Welcome To Great Dalby Church

Great Dalby Feast Weekend was a great success!
All the village groups benefitted from the various events they held.
We had lots of visitors to the church to see a History display & eat cake, drink tea, and chat.

The spire fell down in 1658.........................


              St Swithun's Church - Great Dalby
 "If it rains on St. Swithun's Day,  it will rain for 40 days"

Introducing the Rev’d Jane Walker 

Back in February 2020, Rev’d Jane Walker and her husband Bill moved from Nottingham to The Rectory in Somerby, and there was a splendid service of Welcome and Licensing for Jane as Associate Priest in the Burrough Hill Benefice. Unfortunately, this was swiftly followed by the lockdown, affecting so many aspects of all our lives.   Nevertheless, Jane has been beginning her ministry and settling into her new home in Somerby, and looks forward to more actively getting to know the village communities as opportunities arise. Jane is working for the church in the five parishes of Burrough on the Hill, Great Dalby, Little Dalby, Pickwell w. Leesthorpe, and Somerby. Her role is part-time, and will focus primarily on providing spiritual care, support and encouragement, strengthening the valuable links which exist between the churches and village life.

If anyone would like to be in touch with Jane about any personal or community matters then she can be contacted as follows:
The Rectory,1 High Street, Somerby, Leicestershire, LE14 2PZ
01664 452172 Email: [email protected]



If you have a safeguarding concern, then please contact our local Safeguarding Co-ordinator. Contact information is displayed in church. If you wish to speak to the Diocesan Safeguarding Team, or to someone outside the church, their contact details are available here  https://www.leicester.anglican.org/about/safeguarding/


